Tuesday 4 November 2014

Who's A Good Girl?

Hello, and welcome back to the scribblings of my inner brain. Sorry about the long interim again, real life keeps getting in the way of my opinion.
Don't you hate when that happens?
My ponderings today have all been along the lines of what it means to be good. Not in the massively deep way that leads to an argument with Mackers and a degree in philosophy, but in the simple way that most of us aim to fulfil from time to time. Looking at things from a Christian perspective, there are certain things that people of my religion are encouraged to do. Similarly, there are aspects of life that society tries to instigate as "good", although whether this is the case or not is a debate for another time.
You could never say that I am a perfect Christian. I have never scorned a gay man, I often eat bacon and other forms of pork, I wear mixed fibre clothing and sometimes (on a more serious note) I forget to pray, or put other things before church attendance. But does that make me a fundamentally bad Christian, or even a bad person?
I would say no.
I still try to live by the main principles of my faith; I love my neighbour as myself, I try to put other people's concerns before my own, more often than not I respect my parents, and I have never coveted anyone's oxen.
OK, I know the last one is a little ridiculous, but my point still stands.
Trying to be a good person is not difficult. It doesn't mean you have to do everything right all the time, nobody can do that. For me, it just means that sometimes you have to think about what is best for others first, and whether you would be happy receiving the treatment you're dishing out. You don't have to be religious to be good either; in the same way that claiming a faith doesn't automatically make you a pillar of society. It really is as simple as offering to put together the PowerPoint for a class project. Or asking your friends if they want anything when you go to the shops. Nobody is asking you to move the moon for them.
Just remember that: "A Brownie Guide puts others before herself and does a good turn every day". And if a seven-year-old girl can do that, why can't I?

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