Thursday 31 January 2013

John Hirst, A BBC Interview"/>
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This is (hopefully) a video of John Hirst being interviewed by BBC News in 2012 about his historic victory in the European Court of Human Rights. Mr Hirst's case against the British Goverment has started a seven-year-long war against prisoners' voting in the UK. I have been pondering this a lot recently as it's my EPQ project (me posting this on here is partly laziness on my part.)

His argument is very sensible and logical and he makes a valid point. Please listen to what he has to say, it will only take two minutes of your time.
Thanks :)

(If the video doesn't work, the link is

Thursday 24 January 2013


Today I find myself with a free half an hour and very little to do. Over lunchtime I have been pondering the Explorer Meeting that Jess and I have planned for tomorrow night. It's epic. So I think I'll write about it.

The evening is called "Confessions" and is a partially group-organised, partially surprise meeting based on embarrassment and getting to know each other a little better. So far the planning is going quite well, but my co-conspirator, Jess, has GCSE exams this week, which she has to take into account in her role in the planning. Fortunately, I have been able to take over from most of the planning she is unable to now do and she is preparing another activity instead, which will take less time (hopefully).

So, to get you started, I have posted a couple of embarrassing pictures which come up when you search "Cuffley Explorer Scout Unit" in Google Images. The above one is Mr Robbie Williams himself (Teej) with Broke The Goat, on one of the rides at Southend. The one opposite is some crazy fool, who thought it would be a good idea to dance like a teapot in a kebab shop. Honestly...

Finally, this is a picture from the Southend trip of another one of our Explorers riding a pink elephant whilst carrying Broke. (You can't say we're not diverse in our madness!)


(Meant to be posted last Friday, but delayed :S)

So, once again I find myslef with nothing else to do and, once again, I find myself wandering back to the internet. My final lesson of today has been cut short because of the HUGE AMOUNT OF SNOW which is currently falling.

Anyone reading this who is from a cold country which is not Britain may think "Snow, so what?" Well, apparently it is a big deal here. But not a big enough deal for our school to be closed; only a big enough deal for every other school in the county to be closed (well, near enough).

But what really gets me (and it's not even something I'm pondering, just something that's made me annoyed) isn't that the school is open, because of some level I think that shows a dedication to education. What annoys me is that the Headmaster has spent the last three hours telling children that tey are not allowed to wear their coats, even outside, when travelling between lessons.

I mean, seriously.

It has been snowing for six hours straight now and the heating in the school switches off automatically at lunch time. Therefore, in my opinion, it is completely unreasonable to ask anyone to wear only a thin shirt and blazer/jumper in this weather. Especially when the Head himself is walking around in a long coat and scarf whilst telling people they should not be wearing their coats. That cannot be considered fair on any level, surely?

OK, maybe I'm overreacting, but I'm cold and bored and in about half an hour, I may have to walk the seven miles home. So I think I have a reason to be a bit crazy right now ;)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

A Conundrum

Hello Beautiful People Of The Internet (and Becky)! I am here once again to tell you about the things I think about (or stuff I ponder). See what I did there?
Clever, huh?
Well, today I have a dilemma and I am not sure what to do. But I feel I have bugged my friends too much recently. So I have decided to bug the Internet for a change. Sorry :)

I had a letter from a certain University last Friday, telling me that I have been pooled by the college I applied for; that means they're still considering my application, but that my first choice college probably can't fit me in (Not very good at making that anonymous...) This is both good and bad news. It's good, because it means they want me, it's bad because they don't want me enough to offer me a place straight away. Anyway, that's not the problem. The thing is, I haven't heard back from them yet, and every day that I don't hear is another day less likely it will be a positive response. But that's not the problem either.

You see, as much as I'd really love to go to this University (it's definitely my first choice) there are several other universities which I have applied for and would be perfectly happy at, one of which (Nottingham) has offered me a conditional place. But that's where the problem lies: As much as I love Nottingham - the university is beautiful and their course (Law with German and German Law) sounds fantastic, I just fell in love with the whole package - there's one thing that's stopping me from wanting to accept the offer. If I go to Nottingham there's a very strong possibility I'll bump into a certain idiot who can't tell the difference between the words "yes" and "no".

At this point I understand that some people will be confused. Last year I was subject to the stupidity of one individual who could not tell the difference between an affirmative and negative response to what (I thought) was a very simple question. This led to quite a lot of upset on my part (obviously, because I am a girl). Recently, I asked for clarification of this misunderstanding and I was completely ignored. To be honest, this didn't bother me. The quickest way to forget everything good about someone is to be refused help when you ask politely for it. But you see how it could be awkward for me to go to Nottingham now; I think if I were to meet this person again, I might either be (accidentally) incredibly rude, or physically ill. Or punch them.

So, Internet, what do you think I should do? Is this something I should actually be worrying about?

Thursday 3 January 2013

Top Twenty Things 2012 Has Taught Me

For me, 2012 was a year of many lessons, mostly (it felt) Chemistry, although I'm sure this is untrue. So here is my list of the Top Twenty Lessons I learnt in 2012, with the rude ones replaced by slightly less rude ones.

  1.       ‘Yes’ means ‘no’ 
  2.       Becky wants some 
  3.       Friedel-Krafts reactions
  4.       Get your baps out...
  5.       Mayans do not understand the apocalypse
  6.       The first rule of secrets is best friends don’t count
  7.       I definitely do not like beer. Even if teachers tell you to drink it or go to bed
  8.       It’s not a dance if it just looks like you’re trying to reach the bisquits
  9.       Benzene
  10.      Sunshine is a sexy hair colour
  11.      Cigarettes taste of death (not from experience of either)
  12.      Rice pudding cannot be substituted for the coconut cream in a Pina Colada 
  13.      Pink shows Pip’s feminine side
  14.      Nobody, not even Peter Hurrell, looks good in a mankini
  15.      Schwaz has been added to Leila's phone dictionary
  16.      There is nothing sexier than a man who can play ‘Chicken Run’ on the kazoo
  17.      The noise bits of cow make falling on a tent
  18.      It takes four trombonists to screw in a light bulb. One to hold the bulb and the others to drink until the room spins.
  19.      Ice does not help the uncoordinated
  20.      Pip’s Hot Brother, Pip’s Hot Brother, Does whatever Pip won’t do...
I hope your 2013 is a lot better than your 2012, regardless of how good 2012 was for you :)
Good luck and all that.