Friday 27 September 2013

Things You Need In Your Life (If They're Not There Already!)

OK, this is one of those posts where I shamelessly plug everything which is dear to my heart and the hearts of my friends.Which in themselves are close to my heart. So today I'm pondering what my friends (whose spare time never ceases to amaze me) have been up to since I went away.

Well, first of all there's this video from Alice, whose blog I frequently encourage others to read ( Now this is a video of Alice and two other lovely ladies (who I don't know) singing in a pub in Islington last week. This came as a bit of a surprise when I received an invitation; not because Alice has never told anyone she can sing - anyone who knows her will tell you how wrong that is - but up until this concert was announced I had no idea that Alice was part of a vocal trio called the Jaffa Sisters. As you can tell from the video, they're very good. Had I been in London this week, I would've gone and supported Alice, but it doesn't sound like she needed me there...

Secondly, on the subject of videos, there is this gem from our (not so) recent Explorer Expedition around Kent. Thanks go almost entirely to Jess for this one, but Becky and Greg helped with some of the filming too.  And of course, all my beautiful Explorer Babies were involved in the production in some way. Even if it was only moral support and verbal abuse they couldn't hear (love you guys!!!) It was a beautiful weekend and the video captures it well (minus the swearing because of children and Maureen at the AGM, which was the movie premier.) I was going to try and pick out my favourite bit, but it's all so good. (Apologies if it's all in-jokes and I haven't realised...)
Just a heads-up on that one as well, it won't play on mobile phones, but it should be OK on tablets and PCs/Macs (be they desktop or laptop.)

Next, and on a different note (haha), Miss Niamh McNally has released this for the "viewing" public in honour of her Birthday today. Apparently, there is a whole album to follow; well, I certainly know what to ask for for Christmas now!!! I've always said her talent was wasted as a teacher but, on a wholly selfish note, I'm glad she is. A teacher, that is, not wasted. Although today is her Birthday, so who knows? ;)

Leading on from this (I like how this post is actually flowing rather well), if you happen to be in the Finchley area this Sunday evening (or just fancy a FREE night out to listen to an amazing band and live sort-of locally) then please please please do yourself a favour and go and listen to the Prototypes are playing at the David Lloyd Centre in Finchley at 19.30. Check the link for information, what do you think I am? Facebook?

Finally, I'd like to introduce a new blog to my list of things you should read (of which that is not an extensive list anyway.) For the last few months, my dear friend Sophie, who I so often worry about when I write a particularly un-feminist post, has been keeping an online record of her Gap Year as it unfolds. I did promise to plug her blog in my blog (not that my blog actually reaches many people at all...) a while ago, but I'm pretty sure I haven't yet. Anyway, there it is in all its glory; I particularly like the film reviews, they make me laugh quite a bit.

Anyway, sorry for the long post about other people's life achievements. My life has been pretty empty of successes this week, apart from actually being able to make friends, so I thought you'd like to see some from other people. One last thing: if you want other things to read, may I also recommend this, this, this and your local library. Much love xx

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