Monday 2 April 2012


Hello again,

Today I have been pondering yurts. For those of you who are clearly undereducated, a yurt is a massive tent, a bit like a teepee, with a bendy Woden frame and a canvas. They're really big, bigger than my bedroom (although that isn't hard) and you can live in them all year round. Which is good. If you can get a stove or a heater, they're really cozy in the winter. So, if you're a student who still lives with their parents like the cool person you are, you can just erect (laugh if you must) a "bitching' yurt" (as John Niven calls it) in their garden and just live in it and play music and stuff. I think we should get one for Explorers, which is going to be my new project; Project Yurt.

There is, however, one problem with Project Yurt; to get a yurt big enough to fit an entire Scout Troop would be about £5000 ish. Fortunately, I am only looking to buy an 18 foot yurt, which will hopefully sleep fifteen people in sleeping bags with kit (still waiting for confirmation). Hopefully. I think we might have a problem with the funding, it'll be a lot of jumble sales.

At this point, I was going to get some other people (my parents) to give me opinions on the everyday use of the yurt. However, they've told me, in no uncertain terms, that there are more important things to do with my time than write about the everyday uses of the yurt. And that they, as everyday people, have more everyday tasks to do (such as making sure all the Lego's there before selling it) than tell me what they think about the everyday use of the yurt.  I feel disappointed and betrayed.

So yeah, I want to launch Project Yurt. It'll be really good if we can at least a time share of a yurt, if not a whole one. That's another point. If anyone wants to share a yurt on a six months either side basis, please message me, it'll be awesome. It might be easier if you live in England, or the UK, but if you're somewhere else internationally, that could be really cool too; we could do joint international yurt camps and make some twin towns to go yurting with. It could be epic.

Thanks for listening, now go do some yurt research! :) You know you want to...

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