Wednesday 1 August 2012

Olympic Fever 2012

As I cannot escape it, I've decided to ponder it. Olympic fever is, of course, sweeping the nation (as well as many other nations). How unsurprising is it that Britain has only won two golds so far? The answer is: not very. I am, however, very pleased to announce that Germany (my favourite country in the world ever, except perhaps Armenia) is sixth in the medal tables with three gold, seven silver and two bronze medals so far. Armenia, unfortunately, has won nothing so far, but seeing as their only athletes are Garo and his mother, this is hardly surprising.

Surprisingly enough, North Korea is currently beating South Korea, having won twice as many medals as the latter. Unsurprisingly, both of them are beating Team GB. Who are quite useless. Apart from the women's rowing pair (Helen Glover and Heather Stanning) and to Bradley Wiggins - well done you! :)
And, amazingly, France is third in the tables - wow!

And all that gubbins about "Having the Olympics in London will be really good for the economy and it'll more than cancel out all the spending the country's done in making the Olympics happen" is absolute rubbish! Spending in London has actually decreased since the Olympics started because the Government and TFL have been telling people not to travel into London because of the enormous strain on the public transport all these extra people will have. And as for those extra people in London, well, they're not doing things like going to shows because, well, think about it. They've been out all day in the East End of London watching sport; they're not really going to want to travel to the West End in the evening and spend several more hours sitting down, just to watch a show, are they?

Germany just won another silver, showing how quickly all this could change. So, before I'm shown to be hideously wrong about how bad Team GB are, I'm going to shut up.

By the way, here's some shameless plugging: --> The best language-related blog written by one of my teachers I've ever read (seriously though, food for thought; it's awesome) --> If you like literary blogs, and who doesn't, then this is definitely worth a read. Or several. My amazing friend Alice has written this blog detailing books she's read and her opinions. Both of which (the books and the opinions) are well-written and fascinating (usually - some of the books are questionable) -->This blog is probably about as pointful as mine (i.e. not very) but it's still interesting to know what goes on inside Emily's tiny head. Some of it makes no sense, but the interpreting is part of the fun (see first link, above)

Much love xx

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